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The Benefits of Being a Startup, How Small Companies Can Out-Innovate the Big Brands.

By Olu Bolarinwa
Published in Lean
March 23, 2023
2 min read
The Benefits of Being a Startup, How Small Companies Can Out-Innovate the Big Brands.

Innovation is a crucial driver of growth and success in any business. Still, it can be particularly challenging for established brands to create disruptive products that capture consumers’ attention. On the other hand, startups often have a distinct advantage in innovation. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of being a startup and how small companies can out-innovate big brands.

Agility and Flexibility

One of the startups’ most prominent advantages over established brands is their agility and flexibility. Startups can pivot quickly and adjust their strategies in response to changing market conditions, while big brands are often burdened by bureaucracy and hierarchies that slow down decision-making. This agility and flexibility allow startups to experiment and iterate on their products until they find the winning formula.

Focus and Passion

Startups are often founded by individuals or small teams who are passionate about their ideas and have a laser-focused vision for their products. This level of focus and passion can drive startups to create truly innovative products that meet the needs of consumers in ways that big brands may overlook. Startups are also more likely to take risks and try new things, which can lead to breakthrough innovations.

Creative Thinking

Startups are known for their creativity, resourcefulness, and ability to think outside the box. With limited resources, startups must find innovative solutions to problems and challenges. This creative thinking can lead to disruptive products that challenge the status quo and change the market landscape. The market is filled with established companies like Blockbuster, Nokia, and Blackberry that became too focused on maintaining the status quo and protecting their existing market share instead of creating innovative products for their customers.


Successful startups often profoundly understand their customers and focus on meeting their needs. This customer-centric approach can lead to products explicitly tailored to consumers’ needs and desires rather than products created based on internal assumptions or a desire to maintain the status quo. Big brands may need to focus more on pleasing shareholders or maintaining their existing product lines, which can lead to a disconnect with consumers.


While big brands certainly have advantages in terms of resources and market share, startups have unique benefits when it comes to innovation. By being agile, flexible, focused, creative, and customer-centric, startups can create disruptive products that challenge the status quo and change the market landscape. The benefits of being a startup are clear for small companies looking to break into established markets or create new ones.


#audience#market#customer focus#strategy#growth#optimization


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Olu Bolarinwa

Olu Bolarinwa



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